Paradise Land


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Services We Offer:

We have some facilities to offer you while you visit us to make your visit more memorable. It is just a little try from us to make you happy and feel comfortable with us by providing you some good facilities while you visit us, also to promote the local bussiness to give the courage and motivation to local sellers.


We offer you a cafe inside "Paradise Land" where you can enjoy a cup of coffee, sandwitches, biscuits, cakes and many more things to enjoy if you every feel to refresh yourself by eating on affordable price.

Plant Shop

We have a shop which sells locally produce plants. You can buy these plants for your houses and gardens to help the environment in fight against pollution on affordable price. Our purpose is to promote the bussiness on local level. This shop also gives you the facility of delivering your bought items at your doorstep, so you don't even need to carry them.

Zoo & Play Park

There is also a small petting zoo. And a play park as well. So your children can also do fun things which will engage them very well and their time will be spent happily while your visit to this place, the good thing is that we only have a ticket fee of £2 each person for entering in the zoo & play park.


We also offer you to walk in the natural beauty of our place. Paradise Land have a lot of traks on which you can walk and comfort yourself with natural beauty and if you will walk on these traks then definitely it will decrese your tensions and stress of daily life.